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Teens Aren’t Using Facebook, But They Still Love Video Games

6 years 9 months ago #34 by PABlo
In this article about a PEW Research study, new statistics about how many teens use (or don't use) Facebook show new trends in the use of Social Media.

IN JUST THREE YEARS, TEENS SAY FACEBOOK has gone from cool to meh.

INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH, ONE THING THAT IS STILL relatively the same from both the 2015 and 2018 studies on social media use is that teens who live in higher-income households aren’t as interested in Facebook as teens living in lower-income households.

In the 2018 study, Pew reports that...


Read this article and tell us what you think!

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    6 years 9 months ago #40 by Melissa
    I thought this article was interesting because I personally play video games and use Facebook. I could also say I do agree with the fact that teens have stopped using Facebook. Personally as a teen myself I would say Facebook has declined because of the other well known popular apps such as Instagram, snapchat, YouTube and etc.

    The people that I know that have stopped using Facebook tell me that it's because they loose interest or they get tired of using it because of the "drama". I do think the other apps out there also have to do with teens loosing interest and also video games. Video games is a popular thing right now and a fun way to connect with others around the world. Video games however also make teens connect with one another so that a bigger friendship can be created.

    I believe to new games coming out and skyrocketing such as Fortnite, Pub G, Call of Duty WWII and more. The social media apps are also being updated and being used more by teens. I do also think money wise it also matters because I think of it that the so called "rich kids" have what they want and are occupied in a way but for the kids not so much richer they need Facebook and game consoles to keep them occupied.
    Overall Facebook is still a trending social media app but for how long? because of gaming and other apps are pretty much taking over.

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    6 years 9 months ago #44 by PABlo
    According to a recent study conducted by Pew Research Center, 85 percent of teenagers (ages 13–17) say they use the platform. Closely behind are Instagram (72 percent) and Snapchat (69 percent).

    Pew’s findings indicate an ongoing trend of teenagers moving away from platforms like Facebook in recent years. (It’s worth noting that Pew’s report in 2015 did not include YouTube or Reddit.)

    More teenagers have access to smartphones than ever before. According to Pew, 95 percent of teens own or can access a smartphone, as opposed to 73 percent in 2015. Forty-five percent say they’re online “on a near-constant basis,” though Pew says “there is no clear consensus among teens about the effect that social media has on the lives of young people today ... Given the opportunity to explain their views in their own words, teens who say social media has had a mostly positive effect tended to stress issues related to connectivity and connection with others.”

    On the other end of the spectrum are platforms like Twitter (32 percent), Tumblr (9 percent), and Reddit (7 percent). Although more teens use YouTube than any other platform, it’s worth noting that respondents say they use Snapchat the most often. It’s a close call between Snapchat and YouTube: 35 percent versus 32 percent, respectively. “It is clear the social media environment today revolves less around a single platform than it did three years ago,” the report says.

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