A User's Guide for Incubator.org Members
1. Request Invitation
- Use the Request Invite form to input your name, email and reason why you are requesting an invitation to incubator and select SEND.
- You will receive an email from the system, sent to the email address that you use in the Request Invite form.
- Select the link in that message: “Accept invitation and register at CCLAC Incubator”.
2. Registration
- Input the fields in the Register form, including your real name, your username, and your password. Your email address will already be in the appropriate field.
- Select Next.
- Continue by filling out your Basic Information, Contact Information, and Education information (if applicable).
- Select Register.
- You’ll receive a verification email and you need to verify your email address by selecting the link.
- You’ll see the MESSAGE “Your email address has been verified” on incubator.org.
3. Logging in
All users can login from either one of the following login points, which consist of:
- Member Login (Main Top Menu, Select “Log in” not “Request Invitation”)
- Community Login (visible on Community link: https://incubator.org/community )
- Put in your username and the password that you created during registration. NOTE: Username and password are case sensitive.
- If you are having any password challenges when logging in, you can select the “forgot password” and reset your password.
5. Fill Out Your Profile
- Complete your profile so that other members can easily find you and learn more about you. On any page, go to the top right COMMUNITY link (in Main menu) and select “Profile” from the drop down menu.
- Regarding privacy: only logged in members can view your profile. Your contact information including your mailing address, email address and phone numbers are never displayed on your profile.
6. Update Your Account Settings
To Update Profile Information go to
Sidebar Profile Menu which includes:
- Edit Profile
- Edit Details
- Customize My Page
- Change Profile Picture
- Change Profile Video
- Preferences
- Privacy
- All Members
- Advanced Search
- All Friends
- Request Sent
- Pending My Approval
At the top, the (Purple Toolbar) includes special links to:
- Change Avatar
- Select Profile Video
- Edit Profile
- Preferences
- Notifications
- About Me Tab
INFORMATION TAB (Basic Information)
- Edit or add to any details that you didn’t input during your Registration.
- NOTE: Required Fields are:
- Gender
- Birthdate
- GenderAbout me
The Basic Information requires your birthdate for legal reasons, but you can check the box for “Hide Year”.
All other fields are OPTIONAL including:
- Location
- Mobile phone #
NOTE: Your phone number will never be displayed publicly or to another Community member.
- Website address
- College/University
- Graduation Year
Account Settings - Privacy has been carefully considered in the design of the Incubator.org Community platform. Personally identifiable information such as email address, mailing address and phone numbers are never displayed on your profile. In addition, you can control which users see other parts of your profile.
Note: To the right of all of BASIC INFORMATION fields (as listed above) is a GLOBE icon, where you can select VIEW:
- Public (Everyone)
- Site Members (Only Incubator.org Members)
- Friends (Only Friends that you ‘Add’)
- Only Me (No one else except for you)
*This feature allows you to select who can view your information.
After making any changes, make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Save Changes” before exiting away from this screen. Otherwise, your updates will not save.
- User Name (what you use to Login to incubator.org)
- Your Name (your name as it appears on incubator.org)
- Password
- Verify Password
- DST Offset (Daylight Saving Time aka DST does not apply in AZ)
After making any changes, make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Save Changes” before exiting away from this screen.
7. Get To Know Your Group Page
Every organization or school participating in GCC Activities has their own group page where group members can participate and learn through discussions, share information, and see upcoming events.
In all cases where a school is involved, the associated Group is Private and can only be accessed by students, teachers, and administrators associated with that school. There will also be certain CCLAC / GCC / Incubator.org management members in these groups.
In addition to the GCC Activities Groups, there are multiple Special Interest Groups, where group members can get to know each other through discussions, shared information and events notifications.
Special Interest Groups are about topics of interest such as education, employment, business, creative pursuits, geriatric lifestyles, etc.
On the landing page of your group, you’ll see the Cover picture and Avatar image at the top. On a larger screen size (desktop or laptop), you’ll see a gear icon in the upper right corner of the Cover image with Options including:
- New discussion
- Create Event
- Import Event
- Create Poll
- Leave Group
- Upload photos
- Add Video
- Invite Friends
Depending on the settings and/or purpose for the Group, these options may not all be available.
On a mobile device, you’ll see two buttons including:
- Invite Friends (left)
- Options (right) including:
- Create Event
- Import Event
- Create Poll
- Leave Group
- Upload photos
- Add Video
- Invite Friends
Multi Tab Toolbar includes Group information about:
- Announcements #
- Discussions #
- Photos #
- Videos #
- Events #
- Polls #
- Members #
Left Tab: Activities
- This is where you’ll see the posts, comments or likes of group members.
Below That: Say what’s on your mind...
- To post, simply type something into the text box and then click the blue “Post” button when you’re ready to share.
- Comments are meant to be shorter, more welcoming and fun updates for the benefit of the full group’s knowledge.
- You can also respond to others’ comments by liking them or commenting directly in response. To comment on a long stream of comments, scroll down to the bottom to start typing your own response.
- The post/comment area is not the best place to post an important announcement. Instead, you can use the Group Announcements. On larger screen size --desktop or laptop-- you’ll see Right Sidebar TOP module with Announcements Tab, select “Post an Announcement”, and on mobile devices you’ll see Announcements button, select “Post an Announcement”.
Right Tab: Group Details
- This displays your group’s details, category, creation date and the name of the group admin.
On larger screen sizes --desktop or laptop-- on the right side you’ll see Right Sidebar TOP module with Tabs for:
- Group Discussions
- Group Announcements
Right Sidebar MIDDLE module with Tabs for:
- Group Members
- Group Events
Right Sidebar BOTTOM:
- Group Photo Albums
On mobile devices, you'll see the previously described modules at the bottom of the post/comment stream.
8. Jump in on the Forums
Discussion Forums: Share Your Thoughts, Learn From Others
- One of the biggest advantages of Incubator.org is the prominent role that Discussions play. If you have a question, want to share an important update or resource, or are curious about how others are handling a certain challenge, we encourage all Community users to post in the Discussion Forums.
- To access the sitewide Discussions (where all Community users can see and share), go to “APPLICATIONS”, then the “DISCUSSIONS” on the drop-down menu bar across the top of your screen.
- Once in the Discussions area, you have the choice to select where you would like to post.
- Announcements
- News
- Tips
- General
- IT Helpdesk
- Courses
- Cyber Security & Privacy
- Social Sciences
- Data
Each of these categories have multiple sub-categories, with broader, more general Topics for sharing updates, asking any questions, or submitting a request or report about a technical issue you’re having with Incubator.org.
If you select any specific Topic, you’ll be directed to its topic thread. To enter into a discussion below that Topic, use the “QUICK REPLY” or "ACTION", which includes:
- Reply
- Quote
NOTE: Many of the original and existing Topics in the Discussions, are based on CURATION, which is a way to share a description about a blog post or news article on external websites, with a “More Info” link to the source. This Curating method, is a way to create dialogue around the topic of the discussion.
However, incubator.org members are also encouraged to start their own discussions based on any topic that they would like to discuss with fellow members.
Start New Topic If you have a specific question or would like to share something new, click on the light green button that says “New Topic.” It’s in the upper left below the category topic. Once you’ve selected that button, a new box will appear with the following fields:
- Subject Field - The subject should be short and clearly communicate your question or topic.
- Message Field - The message can be as long/in-depth/detailed as you would like.
- You can format your message text with significant RICH TEXT EDITOR formatting options.
- You can also use the following list of options, by selecting the corresponding menu tool icons including:
- Quote
- Insert Code
- Insert Table
- Insert Spoiler Warning
- Hide text from Guests
- Confidential information
- Image link
- URL address link
- Ebay
- Video
- Map
- Tweet
- Soundcloud
- Emoticons
NOTE: If you have any questions about what certain icons represent, hover your mouse over the icon and after 2-3 seconds of remaining stationary, a small description box of its purpose will appear next to the icon.
- Topic Icon - Allows you to select an icon for your topic.
- When you're finished writing your message, select Green "Submit" at the bottom.
Read/respond to Previous Topic In any forum category, you can see what previous posts have been made and read through other responses.
- To look at previous topics, scroll down the list and select the title of any topic that stands out to you.
- You can also scan down the Last Post (right column, to read the latest post in that category.
- Once you’ve selected an individual topic, and you’re in the discussion, you can enter the dialogue by using the “QUICK REPLY” or ACTION, which includes "Reply" and "Quote".
Topic Search Use the “type your question here…” field and select the ‘TOPIC SEARCH” button below that, to find topics by keyword or keyphrase.
Discussion Forum Activity One last way to sort through the Discussions is the three options available on the Toolbar at the top of the page, (these also appear in the Top Menu dropdown under “DISCUSSIONS”), which include:
- Recent Discussions
- My Topics
- Create New Topic
9. Finding & Sharing Events
Incubator.org builds on the structure of other events calendars and provides groups the chance to create their own local events. It also allows you to see & sign up for upcoming events.
Some advantages for your group include:
- Group members finding out about upcoming group events and being able to add them to your own preferred calendar app.
- Group members being able to receive updates/attachments to the event if you’ve RSVPed.
- Group members can coordinate and organize or share updates with other event attendees in the comments.
Sharing on Social Media
You can share your event on social media to your broader online followers to help spread the word. The event page functions differently than calendar invites as it is public facing and more easily shared.
Event RSVP
Events feature a means for fellow Community members (both inside and outside of your group) to RSVP and indicate their attendance interest.
Event organizers are able to send all volunteers who have RSVP’ed (or attended the event afterwards) communication about any event updates.
Checking In
When the event is happening the “Event RSVP” block will change to a “Check In” block where you as an attendee will be able to check in and register your attendance at that event, whether it be online or in-person.
You can also comment on the event’s information, share updates, and interact with the conversation through the Event Comments feature. This can be a great feature to help plan or coordinate details, as well as engage other attendees who might have questions.
10. Contact Community Members
Send Private Messages to Community Members
You can reach out to Community members and Group members using the Private Messaging feature.
Send Someone a Message from their Profile page
To send a direct private message to a Community member, go to their profile page and select the “Send Message”. In the popup box, type your message and select the blue “Send” button.
Compose Message using Member-to-Member “Chat” feature
Once you’ve established contact with someone as described above, the Private Message system hooks up to the “Conversations” Live Chat feature (blue bar, lower right corner).
Chat with Members using Live Chat
To do this, use the “Conversations” feature (lower right corner) for interactive Live Chat with all of the same features that you’re familiar with on Apps like Facebook Messenger, etc.
To do this, go to their profile page and select the “Send Message” button under their Avatar image. In the popup box, type your message and select the blue “Send” button.
After you do this, you’ll see their name inside the “Conversations” Live Chat.
11. Finding Topics, Training & Resources
Your Dashboard
The best first place to look for up-to-date and relevant topics is right on your Dashboard.
When you login, you are automatically sent to your Dashboard (which includes both the Community Stream or Feed that shows all of the most recent activities on incubator.org, and also your Profile menu where you can update your personal information and account settings).
Your Dashboard can also be visited by going to the Main Top Menu and selecting "COMMUNITY".
You can use the Filter at the top of the Community Stream (look for "Filtered by" immediately below the Status Update area).
The Filter includes:
- All streams
- Status updates
- Photos
- Videos
- Groups
- Events
- Files
- Polls
- My friends & I
- Filter by Keyword or Hashtag
While you're at your Dashboard at the Community Feed, check out the blocks of content on the right side column, which feature: (listed in top down order, each with multiple tabs):
- Profile Menu & Members
- Photos & Videos
- Groups, Pages & Events
To access featured and upcoming training in the Course Catalog, select "COURSES" in the Top Menu under Applications. You can also access the Course Catalog from the "LEARN" menu, which is in the footer. Browse the Training Topics by category, to see online trainings that are currently offered, as well as upcoming trainings, especially the "How to" category (LHTXC LEARN HOW TO (FILL IN THE BLANK) COURSES).
The Courses are also connected to Course Discussions, which you'll find in the "DISCUSSIONS" in the Top Menu under Applications. (In the Discussion Forum, look for the Courses category).
Courses Navigation Overview
On an individual training page, you'll see a brief description of the course. If the training is part of a broader topic you will find a link back to the course category in the main courses section.
For Students: you'll find your "Student's Account" under "COURSES" in the Top Menu under Applications.
For Teachers: you'll find your "Teacher's Account" under "COURSES" in the Top Menu under Applications.
To access, select "RESOURCES" in the Top Menu under Applications. This area includes "APPS & SOFTWARE TOOLS", which is a Directory with multiple categories that are intended to provide useful applications and tools for students, teachers, entreprenuers, freelancers, job-seekers and more...
12. Page Feature
Community members can create their own Page and set it as a public Page or closed Page. There are lots of other settings for Pages:
- Allow Page members to create photo albumns
- Allow Page members to add videos
- Allow Page members to share files
- Allow Page members to create polls
Activities types supported for Pages:
- Status: Allows members to post status to the Page
- Photos upload: Allows members to upload videos on the Page
- Videos upload: Allows members to upload video or link online videos on Page
- File share: Allows members to upload files on Page wall stream
- Poll: Allows members to create poll on Pages
- Rating and Review : Allows members to rate and write a review about the Page
Likes, Review and Rating
Once a Page is created as a public Page, you can invite your friends to like the Page and post status, photos videos on the page. The Page also offers rating and review. If a member of the Page wants to share feedback/review about the Page they can post a review and rate the Page, which will be visible to all members of the community.
NOTE: To rate, or write a review for a Page, the user must like the Page first.
Events for Pages
Page owner can create an Event on their Page and invite members of the Page. The event options for Page will follow all standard options of default event.