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Melissa is friends with Emma Price

Melissa replied to the topic 'Doing Data for Good Right' in the forum. 6 years ago

While reading this article I found it very interesting about our data sciences we have to this day and what we're capable of doing with it to help with our issues today.

I think we can go a long way using the data science. The issue within the blog here is whether or not the scientist at Datakind should do the right thing consider by their job or by their morals. they explain how they try to keep their research open and not categorized because they know it is wrong, not label others, however, in order for them to receive the best data they must put them under categories. In this article, they go through the different questions: "How do we ensure that the predictive models we build don’t have unintended consequences - and can we ever be sure of that? How can we assess the benefits of implementing an algorithm versus the possible risks? How do we ensure that we don’t allow these ethical challenges to prevent us from taking action when the status quo is worse?".

how would you respond in an ethical situation where you have a person upset because of being labeled (i.e personality or behavior) and you know putting labels on others is not right but you must in order to gather your data?


Last Thursday 6/7 I attended a June Fiesta Mixer which was a networking event. I was a little bit nervous to talk to the others I have to admit but after it felt really natural and interesting to talk to others. I met a lot of nice people and what they do and informed them what the CCLAC does and even what I do.

I found this topic to be very interesting because of how the creative aspect connects with graphic design. I didn't know that there were rules that tied in with graphic design either, which made it very interesting.

For example I didn't know there were rules in graphic design that had grammar rules, spacing rules and typeface rules. I thought that it was also informative and helpful for others in the case of someone planning on making a graphic design poster. I would highly recommend going to this website and reading this over because it truly helps and gives lots of good tips. The visuals that were also incorporated also helped get a clear idea of their tips.

While reading this it personally made sense to me and why I recommend it , I personally am a visual person and the instructions and tips were formatted very well.


I think after reading this article I learned a lot. I feel like this topic of women working in this type of work is still a very important topic and is still an issue today.

In my opinion I do think this issue of women being in the workforce and doing what a man does is still an issue our society has to this day. For example in the article 300 women were interviewed by Caroline Wong about their experiences, background and wishes for the future. One woman who was interview quoted "The topic of women in cybersecurity has received more press in the past few years than ever before, and I think it's possible for readers to assume that women working in this field is something new- "It's not". This is exactly what I mean women in working in these types of fields are still question or even seen as being ridiculous.

I do agree with this article that we can help women stay in this workforce or any other workforce, their background, religion or ethnicity. If we could reduce the diversity for women working in this type of work force or any other type of work related success will happen down the road as the article says.


Melissa is friends with Rafael Zuniga

I thought this article was interesting because I personally play video games and use Facebook. I could also say I do agree with the fact that teens have stopped using Facebook. Personally as a teen myself I would say Facebook has declined because of the other well known popular apps such as Instagram, snapchat, YouTube and etc.

The people that I know that have stopped using Facebook tell me that it's because they loose interest or they get tired of using it because of the "drama". I do think the other apps out there also have to do with teens loosing interest and also video games. Video games is a popular thing right now and a fun way to connect with others around the world. Video games however also make teens connect with one another so that a bigger friendship can be created.

I believe to new games coming out and skyrocketing such as Fortnite, Pub G, Call of Duty WWII and more. The social media apps are also being updated and being used more by teens. I do also think money wise it also matters because I think of it that the so called "rich kids" have what they want and are occupied in a way but for the kids not so much richer they need Facebook and game consoles to keep them occupied.
Overall Facebook is still a trending social media app but for how long? because of gaming and other apps are pretty much taking over.


Melissa is friends with Mike Rohrbach

I read the article "How Does the Education in Your state Compare to The Rest of the World" and I thought it was very interesting. Our education system has a bit of problems within it. But our education in America is said to be the best kind of education which is why others from less fortune countries come to our country for a better education.

All education is different in countries because there are different types of systems. I didn't realize that education level is tested and compared to other education indexes. I also didn't know that the education levels can also be equaled an example is from the article , "California equals Chile, Texas equals Turkey, and, in a strange twist, Connecticut"s education level is equivalent of that of the USA. "


I think this article was very interesting to read. I would say I agree with this article because I am a student right now and I can say that students do work better when they can voice their opinions and thoughts about their learning. However I think there should be a limit to what opinions and voices we can express.

For example if it's not for silly reasons for them to learn , such as no school for a week or pizza parties. I think that the article states very good facts and makes sense. If students are engaged in learning and feeling comfortable voicing their thoughts students won't space out during class or not pay attention or even dread going to class. I think if students give teachers feedback it really helps the teachers ti improve their learning style or even adjusting their material.
Overall if students are able to voice their opinions and thoughts it helps in future jobs as well. If students acquire that skill of giving ideas and thoughts for something such as a project it helps build confidence.


After reading this article I think it's just amazing how much our technology has grown and how it continues to grow. Technology is in all aspects of our life and it's important to know what kinds of new technology is being created. The new technology I think could be beneficial or a disadvantage.

I think the new technology being created is amazing and especially for the scientific work force. In the article it mentions that there are three major areas of focus of drug discovery, imaging and trials. For example in the imaging aspect for radiology, Israel's Zebra Medical machine taught a machine to diagnose breast cancer from 340,000 x rays. Technology is amazing when it comes to this kinds of things but technology could also be quite scary honestly as well. Most people find it scary sometimes because the tech such as Siri, Alexa, Google and more can work on their own. Many people even say they have a mind of their own. Our technology is continuing to grow and is being used in all of our aspects of life.


Melissa, PABlo are attending BACK TO WORK 50+. 6 years ago
Melissa created a new topic ' Introduction to myself' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi my names Melissa Carrillo and I started with this job two days ago. I am an intern and am going to be working close with Pablo and Mike. I am specifically going to be updating any events onto the forum that are going to be involved with the CCLAC, helping the seniors use the internet, finding resources for people exploring the website for help with math, writing, reading, and more, managing social media accounts that are connected with the CCLAC and using a little bit of graphic design tools. I'm also going to be connecting with others to make sure they know what CCLAC is and what exactly what we do and hope they end up deciding to connect or even volunteer with CCLAC. I'm also going to be sharing my thoughts and opinions on the Incubator forum, creating my own website so others can ask me questions or just to get more information about what we do or why we do what we do. Meeting others and working with others who are going to be also working with the CCLAC or the forum. Team work is going to be a main goal with others and even collaborating with Pablo and Mike. All of these things fit in with who I am personally. I enjoy working with others, coming up with new ideas and helping others to get connected in different ways and learn new things.


It's been two days since ive been working and going on my third day ive learned so much already. I have gone through the process of setting up my profile, adding friends, updating my bio about me and even adding others i'm going to be working with. I have much more tasks i'm going to be doing today and features on the website i'm going to be exploring and testing out.