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PABlo created a new topic ' UnlockEd' in the forum. 3 months ago

UnlockEd is an organization that aims to raise awareness about impoverished families worldwide who cannot provide education for their children due to financial constraints.

Check out their blog article titled: "Discovering Your Grant Opportunities"

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The legislation will also limit social media notifications to teens’ phones overnight.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) signed two bills into law on Thursday that aim to protect kids and teens from social media harms, making it the latest state to take action as federal proposals still await votes.


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The surgeon general called for a warning label on apps like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Four design firms imagine how it could work.

As we’re beginning to quantify exactly how bad social media is for public health, politicians are coming for Big Algorithm. Just this week, the U.S. surgeon general Dr. Vivek Murthy began a campaign to put an official warning label on social media, much like we see on tobacco and alcohol products.


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One of the fundamental components of the United Nations’ sustainable development 2030 agenda is quality education. It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Digital technologies have emerged as an essential tool to achieve this goal. These technologies are simple to detect emissions sources, prevent additional damage through improved energy efficiency and lower-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels, and even remove surplus greenhouse gases from the environment. Digital technologies strive to decrease or eliminate pollution and waste while increasing production and efficiency. These technologies have shown a powerful impact on the education system. The recent COVID-19 Pandemic has further institutionalised the applications of digital technologies in education. These digital technologies have made a paradigm shift in the entire education system. It is not only a knowledge provider but also a co-creator of information, a mentor, and an assessor. Technological improvements in education have made life easier for students. Instead of using pen and paper, students nowadays use various software and tools to create presentations and projects. When compared to a stack of notebooks, an iPad is relatively light. When opposed to a weighty book, surfing an E-book is easier. These methods aid in increasing interest in research. This paper is brief about the need for digital technologies in education and discusses major applications and challenges in education.


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Based on a previous discussion from the "Digital Literacy and Cultural Exchange" Group, Abril Reyes posed this question:
As an artist, I often think about whether or not I should make this hobby of mine into a career. On one hand it’d be awesome to make money from the thing I love most! But on the other hand, I’m very aware that the art industry isn’t the same as just being a hobbyist, and artists usually aren’t paid a lot. What could be a good way to start making money off of my creative endeavors (art, music, writing, etc.), and, most importantly, should I pursue art as a career or should it stay a side/part-time job?

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Dead Internet Theory 

Abril Reyes I think that this theory is very interesting but also very sad. The internet, one of humanity´s greatest achievements, used to communicate with... Show more 8 months ago
Clarke Chaos Zyz The "internet" you experience is all up to you. If you are confused by computers and you just type problems into Google you're going to get a virus... Show more 5 months ago

Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

Gen Z is choosing to "work to live'' rather than "live to work," like previous generations, because they're reaping fewer rewards for their hard work, an expert on the future of work told Business Insider.

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While your smartphone might be essential, it could be consuming a lot of your time, especially if you’re constantly checking apps, texts and emails.

If you’re willing to ditch your device for a bit, you could win a sweet prize. The New York-based company Siggi’s Dairy, known for its Icelandic-style yogurt, is offering $10,000 to people who can stay away from their smartphones for an entire month.

“We believe in the power of living a simpler life with fewer distractions. One of the biggest distractions in our lives today is our phone,” the company said on its website. “That’s why we’re challenging you to give up your smartphone for a month as part of the Siggi’s digital detox program.”


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New research suggests that the average American household spends more than $1,000 per month on groceries.

  • The average family in America spends roughly $270.21 at the grocery store per week.

  • Weekly grocery prices vary widely across the country, the study found, and California topped the list of most expensive places to buy food.

  • The cheapest states to purchase foodstuffs are all located in the Midwest.

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A gigantic trove of passwords has been released by bad actors, and there's a chance that yours is on there.⁠

According to Troy Hunt, the man behind the breach notification site "Have I Been Pwned" — which allows users to look up your email and see if and where your passwords and other user information have been compromised — it's one of the largest collections of breached data he's ever seen appear online.⁠

The cache of files, dubbed "Naz.API," contains more than 71 million email addresses and 100 million passwords. Thus far, more than 400,000 Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) subscribers have been impacted.⁠

The researcher said in his blog post that more than 65 percent of the email addresses in the breach had already been seen before in other HIBP datasets. This suggests, Hunt explained, that although a majority of the stolen data has already been floating around, over a third of it appears to be newly harvested.⁠

"When a third of the email addresses have never been seen before, that's statistically significant," he wrote. "This isn't just the usual collection of repurposed lists wrapped up
with a brand-new bow on it and passed off as the next big thing; it's a significant volume of new data."⁠

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PABlo created a new topic ' Video game noise levels were too high' in the forum. 9 months ago

A study found that video game players may be exposed to noise levels that exceed permissible sound exposure limits, which could raise their risk of permanent hearing loss and tinnitus.[/size]

"The findings suggest that there may be a need to prioritize interventions, such as initiatives focused on education and awareness of the potential risks of gaming, that can help promote safe listening among gamers," researchers write.

Full Story:

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Brian Brennan , PABlo are attending Virtual meditation meet up. 9 months ago

PABlo is friends with Katherine Williams

AlphaGeometry solved 25 Olympiad problems in the allotted time limit, improving on the previous state-of-the-art, which solved 10.

Importantly, it was trained on 100 million synthetic problems, which eliminates an existing data bottleneck. DeepMind has open-sourced the code and weights.


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