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With the number of cybersecurity threats growing, cybersecurity professionals play an essential role in protecting networks and private data.

That's why a growing number of organizations rely on cybersecurity professionals. Entry-level cybersecurity jobs pay high salaries with strong demand. Professionals with experience increase their salaries and responsibilities in diverse cybersecurity careers.

While many employers prefer job candidates with a degree, cybersecurity bootcamps can also prepare learners for the job market.

Launching a successful cybersecurity career requires more than technical skills, however. Professionals also need soft skills, a strong resume, and clear career goals.

Entry-level cybersecurity jobs

Entry-level cybersecurity jobs help professionals gain experience and expand their resume. Many of these in-demand roles also lead to career advancement opportunities. After working as an information security analyst, security auditor, or penetration tester, experienced professionals move into higher paying roles with greater professional responsibilities.

  • Penetration tester: Penetration testers investigate security systems to identify weaknesses. They apply offensive and defensive tools to find and correct exploitable areas within a cybersecurity defense.
  • Incident response: Incidence response professionals help companies recover from security breaches and cyberattacks. Using the organization's incident response policies, these professionals protect data and investigate breaches.
  • Information security analyst: Information security analysts implement and monitor cybersecurity measures. They investigate cyberattacks, identify improvements in cybersecurity procedures, and conduct risk assessments after a security breach.
  • Forensic computer analyst: Forensic computer analysts investigate cyberattacks and all types of cybercrimes. They often work with law enforcement to identify perpetrators and document internet crimes.
  • Security auditor: Security auditors critically evaluate an organization's cybersecurity measures and procedures. After completing a security audit, they recommend improvements to the organization.

Below are a number of technology and information security resources that can help to put you on the cybersecurity career path.

Career Info

IT Basics/Desktop Support

If you are new to using computers/technology then these resources might be best for you.




Building Labs

CyberSecurity Fundamentals

Digital Forensics/Investigations/OSINT

Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing

Information Technology & CyberSecurity Management

CyberSecurity - Other Resources
